When a game freezes, it stops responding to player input and the only way to fix this issue is by forcibly shutting down the game. Freezes can happen due to hardware failures, invalid data, glitches...
Category: Nintendo
The term “Nintendo Hard” is often used to describe video games with extremely steep difficulty curves or a general lack of QoL features such as quicksaves and difficulty settings. However, this...
People often bash Sony for not putting enough priority on backward compatibility, but they forget how Nintendo does the same thing with each new console lineup. Take the DS lineup, for instance- they...
Nintendo is quite unpredictable when it comes to implementing backward compatibility on its latest consoles. While certain consoles have no backward compatibility (Switch), others can play last-gen...
Portable gaming has taken off in the last decade, and many industry pundits see it as an alternative to PC/ console for casual gamers. While the technology and scale of portable gaming have advanced...
All retro consoles featured some kind of battery-powered memory to store user progress, while ROM was reserved for game data. Back then, game cartridges used mask-ROM which cannot be altered once...