Top 20 Gaming Forums That Are Still Active

If you want the latest news on unreleased games and brand-new developments in the gaming industry, forums are a great place to visit. Here, you can engage in discussions with fellow gaming enthusiasts and people working in the game development industry. gaming forums are geared towards the players. That means you get content that would be more suitable for someone who just wants to play and buy games, everything from patch updates to the freshest memes.

Sometimes, you can also set up meetups with communities of local gamers who play the same game as you. Another thing you can do through gaming forums is organizing LAN parties or small tournaments. There are tons of possibilities, but most importantly – you get to chat with players from all over the world who have the same passion for gaming as you. Whether it be strategies, things you dislike within the game or satirical meme posts – you’ll get everything in a gaming forum. Often, developers will visit gaming forums to get feedback for their games, directly from players. So without further ado, let’s take a look at the top 20 gaming forums that are still active in 2019. 


Want to know about the latest game releases, leaks, and announcements? Check out NeoGAF, they have a bunch of communities for you to browse through- politics, off-topic discussions, gaming, trending news, etc. You can even view Twitch streams of active members on the site, and a column on the right allows you to conveniently access all the top trending threads. The UI is clean and intuitive, while the members are extremely active. 


This is a place where you can get all your gaming related questions answered. Having trouble completing a certain level, or beating a really powerful boss? Head on over to GameFAQs, and the community will help you out with tips on how to fix the problem. There is a message board where you can post questions and start discussions about specific games, off-topic stuff, and things like manga or even politics. They also have boards for specific game consoles such as Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PS4, etc. You can participate in competitions, view leaked game trailers, and check out the freshest memes.


While it is mostly known for video game reviews and dev interviews, IGN is also home to an extremely active and highly passionate community of gamers. These guys frequent the IGN forums to engage in discussions regarding various topics such as movies, game trailers, PC hardware, etc. You can visit individual boards that cater to specific gaming systems like the PlayStation or Xbox, here’s where you can post your favorite game moments and screenshots. Discuss the latest trends in gaming, and ask fellow gamers for recommendations on which game to play. 

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Game Spot

Gamespot is a video game journalism/review site where a lot of people come to view information on new developments in the gaming industry. And they have an extremely active, highly populated forum that’s filled with gamers from all platforms and different parts of the world. You can discuss Xbox, Switch, PS4, PC, Mac, and Linux gaming. Retro games, anime, manga, memes, everything can be found over here. Want to talk about movies and sports? You can do that too. There is a dedicated message board for pretty much everything, and you can participate in discussions pertaining to specific game genres like RPG or FPS.


Home to everything gaming related, r/gaming is your one-stop-shop for when you need to discuss stuff with fellow gamers from around the world. PC, Xbox, Nintendo, PlayStation, Mobile- it doesn’t matter what platform you play on, as long as you’re interested in having a discussion. They even talk about board games here, which is really awesome. Toys, wallpapers, cosplay, memes, everything goes on r/gaming. Want to know the best way of eliminating your enemies in Red Dead Redemption 2? How about some cool Fallout 4 mods? You can even start discussions on your favorite game, and why you think it is better than someone else’s choice. Like League vs Dota 2, but we all know Dota 2 is the better game. Right?

A gaming forum dedicated to massively multiplayer online RPGs, such as Guild Wars 2 and Eternal Fury. But if you want, you can also discuss non-MMORPG games in their general gaming board. You’ll find Q&A archives, a help desk, videos, game reviews, tutorials, and much more. Apart from the discussions on message boards, you’ll also find live streams and giveaways on this site. The UI is fairly basic, but it gets the job done. Navigating through the site isn’t an issue, and you will find what you need within a couple of minutes.

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Minecraft Forums

A forum dedicated to all things Minecraft, here you’ll find discussions on the latest news regarding patches or game modes. There is a survival mode message board, where you can discuss pictures and discoveries. Buildings, exploration, mechanics, tutorials- there are tons of stuff for Minecraft players to browse through. You can even suggest new ideas and game modes, or place requests for mods. There are dedicated message boards for Minecraft on different platforms- PC, PS4, Xbox One, etc. 


Check out the latest industry gossip, sales figures, reviews, and leaks on resetera- a site dedicated to providing a platform for discussing everything video games. Want to know what the best platform is for purchasing online games? Or the newest DLC/expansion pack announcements for your favorite game? You’ll find it all on resetera, along with hardware threads and game performance reviews for the PC. New game announcements, trailers, social media updates, memes, you can browse through all of that stuff with ease thanks to the super-light interface that focuses on minimalism and maintaining a clean look. 

Elite Pvpers

Want a gaming forum that’s focused around PvP games? Multiplayer, LAN, co-op, you’ll get everything on this site. There’s a general gaming thread too, where you can post stuff like cheats or mods for various games that may or may not be multiplayer. Search for clans and guilds, post tutorials, and ask for helpful advice- community members are always around to answer your questions. 

Video Gamer

The first thing you’ll notice when you visit this site is its slick and minimalistic look. Everything is segmented clearly, so you know what type of content you’re looking for and where to find it. You’ve got a board for general announcements and FAQs, another for gaming-related discussions, and they even have an off-topic message board if you want to talk about your cat or favorite TV show. You can browse by activity, view the hottest topics on the right column, and check out the online users. All with a few clicks of your mouse, since everything is so neatly organized via tabs.

Steam Community 

Steam is the world’s largest online game store, and it has a community of millions who post useful stuff like guides, reviews, etc. on the official Steam forums. Open up the Steam community discussions site, and you’ll find three main categories to browse- Steam Forums, Game Forums, and Tools & Servers. These are easy to navigate between, as they are 3 separate tabs. On the right, you’ll see a column titled “Steam Feature Discussions”. Here, people talk about Steam trading cards, Steam VR, Steam Universe, broadcasting, and various other features. The Steam forum contains discussions on topics like VAC, Steam mobile, Steam for Mac, suggestions, and ideas, etc. In the game forum, you’ll be able to view threads on individual games like Rainbow 6 siege, Mad Max, Tomb Raider, etc. You can search discussions by game, or browse hubs on the basis of two categories -“most popular this week” and “recently viewed”.

Blizzard Forums

Blizzard’s reputation precedes them, they are the creators of some very popular MMOs and multiplayer games. Starcraft, World of Warcraft, Overwatch, and Hearthstone are their biggest titles. And on the official Blizzard forums, you’ll be able to view community discussions and posts for each one of their games. On the main page, you’re greeted with a clean interface that shows you the individual hub for each Blizzard game in the form of a large portrait featuring the game logo. From this page, you can also access the shop, news, and esports pages. They also have separate forums for Blizzard in general and Blizzcon. When you open up a game forum, you can view announcements, general discussions, competitive discussions, technical support, bug reports, gameplay, and strategies, etc. 

Ubisoft Forums

The place to be, if you’re interested in checking out the latest news on your favorite Ubisoft. Want to know how to fix your networking issues in For Honor or Rainbow 6 Siege? Plenty of Ubisoft PR reps and developers frequently visit the forum to post bug fixes, patch notes, and performance improvement tips. It is also a great place to discuss tactics and strategy, or make support threads. You can provide feedback to the devs on this forum, or use it to find new friends for your in-game team.

Euro Gamer

The official community forum for Eurogamer, an extremely popular gaming website where you can find game and hardware reviews. Their forum is extremely easy to navigate and is filled with discussions on all sorts of entertainment-related topics, mainly video games and hardware. You can search for keywords in the search box, or display threads by category. There are several categories to choose from, divided into “gaming” and “non-gaming” sections. The gaming section contains threads for Xbox One, PS4, Wii, DS, GameBoy advanced, etc. In the non-gaming section, you’ll find discussions on news and politics, books, photography, movies, etc. 

Rock Paper Shotgun

The PC gaming discussion board in Rock Paper Shotgun’s forum is one of the most interesting places to talk about your favorite games on PC. You can get information on the latest deals, new releases, most hyped upcoming games, lesser-known PC games which are actually fun, and strategies for your favorite MMORPG. Discuss the influence of society, culture, and politics on games. Or talk about why you like/dislike a certain game, and how the developers could have made it better. Post screenshots, recruit teammates and find community servers for old games that not many people play these days. Theorize and speculate on upcoming PC hardware, talk about leaked info, and get closed beta keys for unreleased games. There’s a lot of fun to be had, so make sure to check out RockPaperShotgun.

Game Revolution

Discuss games, comics, movies, TV shows, politics, world events, celebrities, and technology on this once highly popular entertainment forum which is slowly decreasing inactivity nowadays. It isn’t dead, but not nearly as active as it used to be a couple of years ago. Nevertheless, the quality of discussions and topics brought up on Game Revolution is still quite good to this day and you are sure to have a great time on the site. You will see that gaming discussions are broken down into two main categories- “gaming”, and “retro gaming”. There is a separate thread for movies, TV, books, films, music, etc., and another thread for support related topics. New posts and online members are displayed on the right.

Racket Boy

Are you a retro gaming aficionado? Well then, consider checking out racketboy. They are a community forum geared towards people who enjoy reliving the early days of gaming. According to their own words, instead of focusing purely on the latest titles that the industry has to offer, they look to savor its history. You will find everything over here from classic console gaming to MS-DOS games, and even arcade. On racketboy, you’ll find retro gamers discussing their game rooms and home theater setups. Some delve into deeper matters like the philosophy, art, and social influence of games. There are podcasts, game reviews, feedback threads, etc. You will even find an old-school gaming news board.

Giant Bomb

Created by a former staffer of Gamespot, Giantbomb covers everything from game reviews to PC hardware and retro gaming. It’s an extremely well-designed website with a clean UI and sleek black theme that makes the content stand out clearly for easy reading. You can view recent discussions on the main page, or search for specific keywords/phrases in the search bar. There are wiki boards for individual games such as Control, Super Mario Maker 2, Astral Chain, etc. and a list of top posters right underneath. Want to talk about anime and manga? Go right ahead, there are tons of anime enthusiasts on the site. Along with PC hardware enthusiasts who’ll talk with you about graphics cards, monitors, gaming mice, audio solutions, etc. 


The gaming discussions on this forum is divided into multiple sections- general, news, deals, esports, etc. You can earn VGR currency to bid in auctions and win rewards, and there is a separate message board where you can leave suggestions for the moderators and admins. In the general chat board, you can discuss anything from politics to sports. The introduction board allows you to introduce yourself to the rest of the members and make everyone aware of your interests in gaming. Want discounted game keys and special deals on console/ PC games? You can check out the Video Game Deals message board. There is a separate board titled “Platforms” where you can discuss platform-specific gaming like for the PS4, Xbox One, Switch, etc. 

Ars Technica

With so many choices to browse through, you’ll never get bored. Ars Technica is filled to the brim with hardware related content, gaming reviews, news, and general discussions on stuff like movies or music. It is a gaming forum, divided into 3 primary sections- Hardware & Tweaking, Operating Systems & Software, and Games. In the hardware subcategories, you’ll find info on everything from cases and custom cooling to overclocking and networking hardware. In the OS and software subcategories, you can learn about tuning Windows for optimal gaming performance. Or how to game on Linux. In the games section, you’ll be presented with general gaming discussion- new game releases, bug fixes, trailers, hype, memes, and more.


We’re sure that we missed a couple of gaming forums, but these 20 sites right here represent some of the largest online gaming communities. What do you think of our list? If you have any forums that you like to visit, but we forgot to include here, please let us know in the comments.


As long as I can remember myself I always enjoyed video games. I had amazing moments playing them and that's why I became a game developer, to create amazing experiences for the players. Read More About Me

One thought on “Top 20 Gaming Forums That Are Still Active

  1. It’s completely normal to have personal preferences when it comes to online forums and websites. People often have different tastes, expectations, and experiences with various platforms.

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